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Let's Share What We've Been Doing

Photo: Courtesy of Laurel Moorhead.

Photo: Courtesy of Laurel Moorhead.

Free and Open to Members and Non-members
Via Zoom


Let’s Share What We’ve Been Doing!

Its been a while since we’ve had a meeting devoted to sharing our own projects so let’s do it! This month we’re inviting everyone to show us what they’ve been doing. You can create a PowerPoint, do a simple screen share of photos, or hold your book up to the camera. What ever works for you!

Laurel just made her first PowerPoint to prepare for this meeting and she discovered it was very easy! You can just drop in photos and then narrate them, or you can add text. One caution: video over Zoom is not very effective so try to avoid that.

We’ll give everyone a few minutes, or longer if time allows, to show us what they’ve been up to!